Friday, May 17, 2019

3 Steps to Love your Body Post-Recovery

During recovery, your body will change. There's no doubt about that. Weight needs to be restored in order for your mindset to change, and that may come with a whole range of questions and doubts and uncertainties regarding your appearance.

Don't worry though. We all go through it. You are not alone. Here's how to accept that weight gain and learn to love your healthy, recovered body.

Step 1: Understand that there's no such thing as 'gaining weight too quickly'

It is IMPOSSIBLE to gain too much weight too quickly. In eating disorder recovery, your body needs the energy and it needs the fuel. It needs to reach a ‘safe zone’… and the faster it does this, the better! You need to reach that healthy weight eventually (that is, if you’re in it for the full recovery!), so stop prolonging the road to recovery. Trying to slow down the pace will only 

😬 keep the ED in your life for longer
😬 maintain a limbo of quasi-recovery 
😬 ultimately lead to relapse, as you never fully let go 

Granted, most people in recovery don’t love gaining weigh… and they don’t love their post-recovery weight immediately (especially as weight redistribution takes time). But it has to happen and there will be acceptance and body neutrality at some point. I promise.

Step 2: Remind yourself of your recovery goals

You are not 'just' gaining weight. You are also gaining vitality, energy, freedom, friendships, mindspace, spontaneity, health, etc. etc. Write down a list of YOUR recovery goals, and remind yourself of them whenever things feel just a little bit too much to deal with.

Step 3: Understand that your body is so much more than what it looks like

No matter how many positive self-affirmations you may throw at yourself (and I hope this is something you do!) you are bound to have a bad day now and again. That's life. But next time you think your legs are too big, remind yourself that they carry you wherever you go. Next time you find your belly too round, remind yourself that it has supported all your laughing fits with friends. And next time your arms feel jiggly, remind yourself how they have embraced all the people you love.

Your body does so much for you and supports you through the good and the bad. If not for its beauty, appreciate it for that and treat it kindly.

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