Monday, October 12, 2020


Hi Warrior,  I hope you are doing well this week, and that the past weekend has refuelled and recharged you for this upcoming week! As for me, I worked on Saturday and Sunday so I am knackered. Nevertheless, I did not want to leave you in the dark, so here I am again, with another video! Today I am showing you what I eat... whilst experiencing the strangest cravings leading up to my period

When I'm on my period and just before I get my period, my energy levels, cravings, hunger cues and motivation change like crazy! So today I'm taking you on a day in the life (period edition) to show you what I eat in a day and how I stay sane, deal with bloating, and fight period cramps during my menstrual cycle.  Definitely check out the video, and be sure to SUBSCRIBE.

Honestly, I cannot be the only one. If you too, struggle with crazy PMS and fluctuating hunger cues, definitely leave me a comment. Let me know how you deal with it, and which tips and tricks help you most in overcoming low mood, cramps, etc. (Honestly... I appreciate your messages at this rollercoaster time).  

Whilst you may not feel your sexiest whilst struggling with bloating and pain and headaches, it is nevertheless important to eat, and to continue to listen to your hunger cues. It is also no excuse to avoid your fear foods (the three challenges I set out for you all this week on Instagram are bread, granola and rice pudding), and now is as good a time as any to have some chocolate or a warming coconut-based curry! Definitely do not skimp out on the self-care -- you more than deserve it. I challenge you to: 
  1. Have a rest. Be kind to your body. 
  2. Face your fear foods 
  3. Establish a regular sleeping pattern. (Honestly, this can be life-saving.) 
  4. Be okay with doing nothing. 
  5. Check out some of my new content on YouTube and/or Patreon, watch a film or read a book. And accept that you do not always need to be productive!
I love you lots, and I hope you will take great care of yourself! Recovery is possible. You can do it and you will get there. Just keep going.

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