Monday, October 26, 2020

Why You SHOULD Exercise in Eating Disorder Recovery

Did you know that some individuals in eating disorder recovery could benefit from exercising? Whilst exercise during eating disorder recovery can be detrimental to mind and body (increasing cortisol circulation and putting unnecessary stress on the body), there are times where it can be beneficial, too. Today I share when (and why) exercising is the right thing to do, who should exercise, and what exercises to carry out for a healthy mind and body!

After my little social media break, I feel ready to approach this new week in a way that is  
  • Proactive 
  • Positive; and 
I am ready to go to work AND take breaks. I am ready to get good sleep AND go to the gym.  

Funny enough, that is something that is oftentimes considered controversial. In recovery, the only 'right' way to do things is to eat the burgers and avoid the salads, to take the rest and avoid the exercise. But I think the truth is more nuanced than that...  

Whilst burgers are definitely good, and whilst challenging your fear foods is an absolute NECESSITY, there's no need to leave the salad if that's what you crave (though in recovery your body is simply less likely to crave foods such as this). Likewise, whilst rest is REQUIRED, there is a time and place for exercise too... well, sort of. Hear me out.  

Whilst exercise during eating disorder recovery can be detrimental to mind and body (increasing cortisol circulation and putting unnecessary stress on the body), there are times where it can be beneficial, too. It really just depends on individual circumstances, where you are in recovery, what exercises you opt for... and a whole lot more.  

In yesterday's latest YouTube upload, I shared when (and why) exercising is the right thing to do, who should exercise, and what exercises to carry out for a healthy mind and body! I highly recommend you watch it, as it has been one of my most-requested topics. Also let me know in the comments: what do you think of the black and white / good and bad recovery dichotomy? Do you eat salad, and do you exercise? I'd love to hear your opinion!

Personally, I exercise because it feels good. I exercise because it makes me feel confident. I exercise because it gives me a routine, because I am recovered and my body can handle it, and because I love feeling STRONG after having felt weak for so long.  

Certainly, my exercise routine has changed over time. My exercise motivations have changed, too. And what is best for YOU depends on YOUR own circumstances. If you feel like the ED still has a strong hold over you, if you are still underweight, or if your hormones have not yet balanced, you might want to skip this video and simply take some rest. And that is okay. In fact, that is more than just okay. It's freaking great that you can give this to your body!

However, if you are at a healthy weight, if you've rediscovered your healthy mindset and if you genuinely want to exercise, don't let self-doubt stop you. (The only thing that should be allowed to stop you is YOU, and the experts and professionals that make up your recovery team.)  

Anyway, it is all too easy to make blanket statements about the best recovery techniques. 'Do this and don't do that.' But the truth is, everyone is on a different journey. Everyone has different needs. Everyone is on a different path.  What's important is that you listen to your own body, to your recovery team, and to your intuition. No, not the eating disorder. But your REAL gut feeling. 

This week, I hope you'll be able to tune into this intuition just a little bit more. Try to listen to it, and to eat and do what it tells you to. Ignore the eating disorder voice, and embrace the baby steps that will lead you to your recovery. I know that you can do it.

Before I ramble on for too long, I want to let you know that I love you lots, and I hope you will take great care of yourself! Recovery is possible. You can do it and you will get there. Just keep going.

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